*enthusiastic bus stop wave*
(taken when nobody was looking, of course)
Rip off the filters, we need a naked Instagram.Except me because all my pictures suck and are never taken with enough light.
There's more life hacks in this list I've never seen before.
This cat's face.
Words are not fists, some thoughts on how men work to diffuse feminist anger.
Our adorkable blogging selves.
The jumper squad.
Drugs aren't always that much fun.
List of inventors killed by their own inventions.
Volume OCD.
The truth about volunteer programs.
Portraits of strangers in cars illuminated by off-camera lighting.
Fairy tales for twenty-somethings.
Krampus Christmas sweater!!!
What do you need to do, start or stop?
20 funny "special request" pizza boxes. I love these.
How to ruin a high school reunion.
And she's cute too!
How to express an opinion and get noticed.
A case of mistaken identity.
Trusting inspiration.
Monster manual.
Look, a talking elephant! AND a talking beluga whale.
The 25 most powerful TV shows of the last 25 years.
What not to say to a crafter.
Professional photo editing workflow.
A complete history of goth.
Traditional vs Natural burial. Ask a mortician!! :) (video)
5 excuses that keep you unhealthy and how to destroy them.
How to give proper credit to artists on Tumblr.
A font made from dappled sunlight.
This picture of a dinosaur being delivered to the Boston museum of science is awesome!
How to look like an asshole on a skateboard.
This makes me feel like TVs need more design!
Hilariously terrified people from a haunted house.
These cat clothes illustrations are cool.
The meaning of colors.
In Sandy's wake, New York's landscape of inequity revealed. Oh and the USA isn't the center of the universe. It hit the Caribbean as well and a lot of people died. At least 52 in Haiti alone. I've been shocked with the news (because we only get the American side of things) not even mentioning the other countries once. And one final Sandy link: if you want to help with relief in NYC try here. Or the Red Cross, obvi.
OMG YES this is a DIY I can get behind.
This book of opposites is weird but pretty cool.
Check out this awesome giveaway over at The Curious Pug! I mean, if you like Star Wars or cool pretty things.
40 ways to create peace of mind
How accurately do you represent yourself online?
Pintrest lies.
True story: I chose to get sterilized at 23.
The Slayer shirt!!!! hahaha
"These are all the awful parts of me." 10 lessons for creatives from Lena Dunham.
Have you ever heard about that plastic island drifting around the pacific? It's getting out of control.
University of the People.
How to let purpose find you.
Robot reviews.
32 mistakes we're all going to make. I don't think I've done 6 or 15 but the rest? Yup.
Black fly invasions can mean only one thing.
Air New Zealand's new Hobbit themed safety video.
Now click on these names because without them this link post would be really stupid.