And now that you know how much of a pet weirdo I am, let's get down to some links, shall we?
Hilarious celebrity portraits.
Don't be that guy.
The Breaking Bad drinking game.
15 criminals that got caught by bragging about their crimes.
The woman who needed to be upside down.
True story: I was raised by an alcoholic.
Legitimate drowning.
Things I have learned about cohabitation.
Better book titles.
Could someone hire the NZ army to do Haka at my funeral? (video)
Photographs of forgotten palaces.
When guys just want to be friends.
The history of the preservation of anatomical specimens.
Dissected artists.
I don't necessarily believe people flying with babies should apologize, but this is a great idea nonetheless.
How to use Google Search more effectively.
Abandoned mansions of Colombia's once powerful drug lords.
How bitches get ahead in business.