Excellent advice.
Melchior Tersin's shiny happy people.
I hate breast cancer "awareness" month.
How I became one of the most successful art smugglers in the world.
Life hacks part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4.
Famous logo designs and how much they cost.
In spite of the easy bake oven.
My internet pals at Conspiracy Inc. are moving to Berlin into a HUGE building, I can't wait to see what happens next over there.
19 regional world all Americans should adopt immediately.
Alexa Chung on "thinspo"
Michael Richards speaks candidly on comedians in cars getting coffee. (video)
This story of Malala Yousafzai is horrifying. Blogging about living under the taliban got her shot.
19 stars in the throes of death. AKA SUPERNOVAs btw. What I'm named after.
Dwight meets asian Jim. (video)
I want to shoot some surreal double exposures like this!!
The perfect snooze: 8 simple steps to sleep better.
A foolproof guide to a happy marriage.
The freakonomics of McDonalds vs drugs. (video)
How to get rid of fruit flies.
Things you stop caring about when you fall in love.
I'd totally hang out in a rain room. Oh wait I already am. I live on Vancouver Island.
Why hard drives and memory cards have less space than advertised.
Hard truths from soft cats.
This makes me want to press plants. That's a hobby I could get into!
Pedestrian penalty cards. I fantasize about giving these to people.
9 ways people used radium before we understood the risks.
The fake science tumblr is so hilarious.
Death of the American Hobo.
100 million year old spider attack frozen in time.
Dogs in slow motion. (video)
Know any dudes with a "medeival face" and are missing a leg? OMGOMG THEY COULD BE ON GAME OF THRONES.
20 celebrities and their musician doppelgangers. I've actually said the Aniston Iggy Pop one before LOL.
10 words you didn't know you were getting wrong. I was using 'disinterest' wrong all this time!
How much coke is bad for me?
If it's not secret, it's not safe: girls, boys and the pleasure paradox. (nsfw dildo picture)
Portraits of classrooms around the world.
How to create time. The sleeping in shifts thing blew my mind.
What are your success factors?
My cat is a dick.
How many fake followers do you have on Twitter? 3% of mine are fake and 9% are inactive.
What fashion week actually looks like.
It takes a lot to laugh - using humor (and other tools) to deal with racism.
Sex! Gore! Scary monsters! Attack of the Mexican B Movie Ads.
Could t-rex really only see things that were moving?
The fifty best films of the 1990s. Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
11 year old boy offers yarnbombing workshops.
The 40 tightest pants in rock history.
The scariest Halloween ever.
Margaret Atwood's rules of writing.
Video games vs. real life.
First world problems. (video) Now you know how stupid you sound.
How to be a morning exercise person.
How wine corks are made.
Eleven ideas for awesome Halloween costumes. I love the Wilbur idea.
I want all these stickers. For some reason.
Men who rock - finally men are more than just pretty face in the music biz.
Texts from Little Women. haha
Neglected ducks get their first swim. Eventually. (video)
The undeading. (video)
And last but certainly not least...
The Ohio State University marching band is always amazing but this is the best one I've seen yet. If you are short on time at least watch 1:25 to 1:45 (TETRIS) and then the best part (I think) is from around 5:45 to 6:45 (THE HORSE) and it's super awesome again at 7:15 to the end. No, just watch the whole video, they are mindblowing. The amount of work that goes into this choreography is insane. I'd pay just to see them, who cares about the football game?
Thank you to...
Sarah Von
Kellie again
the Rookie writers
Go check out their blogs. Hypno-cat commands it.